Overcome Advertising Blindness!
By Warren Contreras
a.k.a. Oldbuddy
This is a FREE report and meant to be passed around to your friends. If you paid anything for it, go find the dirty stinking crook that robbed you and scream at them!
If you've been trying to make money online and spend large amounts of time and or money advertising, you have no doubt noticed a sharp drop in your response rate. This is due to Advertising Blindness.
When I first came online in September of 2000, you could put an ad just about anywhere online and get a 2 or 3 percent response rate. I can clearly remember 20 or 30 percent from good free offers, but Good Luck Getting That Today!
The population of the Internet in general and especially those looking for extra money to offset our troubled economy, has EXPLODED. I know you probably identify that word with
hype, but in this case it's much too mild.
Every single moment you spend almost anywhere online today is filled with exposure to some form of advertising messages. As a result, most of us are becoming blinded to all but the very simple ads that grab our attention fast.
If we don't “Get It” in a second or two, it's all over! So the bottom line is, if you want to earn online today, you desperately need to find ways to overcome, or even take advantage of Advertising Blindness!
What I discovered is that by using online programs that pay for referrals down many levels, you can enlist all the referrals you get, to advertise for BOTH of you and grow exponentially.
One FREE place to advertise that gets massive attention is Craigslist! Advertising the old sofa you need to get rid of, or even getting customers for your used car business is pretty simple, but when you start trying to recruit people for a money making
venture, you have about as much chance of success as you would have smuggling dope.
People on Craigslist are rabid about chasing us off, except in the Sm Biz Ads section, where I am happy to confine my posts. As long as you abide by the Terms of Service, it's not going
to be hard to stay out of trouble. I post one ad every day or two, so I never post more often than 3 posts every 48 hours. Remember, use a headline that will attract the attention of other people who are posting in this section. Most of them are not getting any results from their own ads, so they are a prime target. We give our report away free to remove any hesitation.
Constantly keep in mind you're NOT trying to make a sale, you only want them to grab your free report so they can read it later when they're not busy. If they like what they read and join with us, they are going to be advertising for all of us!
Pretty soon we create a phenomenon I call Bandwagon Marketing. You won't notice it until you get a few active referrals working on your behalf, but the more people see the same program, the more likely they are enticed to jump on the bandwagon. Just have patience and spend the 5 minutes it takes every few days to post an ad on your local Craigslist or one of the surrounding cities. Don't worry if it's not one with hoards of traffic, they tend to push ads
off faster anyway and we only need a couple of people ready to take action in order to get this money making machine rolling. If people can identify you as a local, it adds to the impact, so I leave the local telephone number to my voice mail box (I use a Magic Jack). The website I promote to gain that leverage is http://oldbuddy.angryhosting.com
The biggest reason I use this, is it's CHEAP and anyone can do it after reading this report. When you reach the point where hundreds of your referrals are out there posting ads and bringing in new referrals every day, you will get as excited as I did. Don't worry, I will teach you exactly what you need to know to handle the volume, or you can just sit back and let me do it for you. When you see how fast it grows, I bet you will want to jump in with both feet.
If you're not ready for a website of your own yet, have them send you an email from your ad and you can send the report back to them as an attachment. If you get them emotionally involved with your ad, it's not hard to find at least a couple to see the vision and take action.
Most of the tools (like the one I used to write this report) can be downloaded online for free if you know where to look. I use Open Office to create these PDF files and you can get it free by Clicking Here, then if you need some help learning how to use it, Click Here Next.
As long as you are in my membership program, I will be sending you new creative ads and graphics for free. Can you see that it's obviously in my best interest to help you succeed?By now you may be shaking your head and muttering something about not being able to setup your own website. I guarantee that once you find out how simple it really is, that phase of your Internet Career will be permanently behind you. Do us both a favor and watch this
short video showing exactly how to do it with free programs you already have! Click Here
Once you get your masterpiece ready, you need a place to host it online. PLEASE think twice about using a free hosting services. For Splash Pages all you need are bare-bones features and you can get them from AngryHosting.com for only $1 a month. You have your own space with no ads but yours and since you are paying, you have the right to ask for support and get it. Please mention that helpme sent you if they ask. Now that you know how to get their attention, what next? Now let me pass on my most valuable tip. You've gone to a lot of trouble to learn some skills and apply them to attract prospects, so try not to drive them away before you have a chance!
Remember, you got this far by being a trusted adviser, so stick with that role a while longer. Share all you have to help them before you even think about how they can help you. You might even end up with a good friend instead of just a customer. Don't kid yourself, I make a lot of money from all my online friends and they not only know that, they appreciate it.
Just because you end up selling someone a product or service, doesn't mean it had to be an adversarial relationship where you came out the winner. I like it best when EVERYBODY wins,
don't you? On the other hand, when I want to buy something I would just as soon one of my friends make the commission than a complete stranger. Doesn't that make sense? In my lifetime the Internet has been the most fascinating medium ever created, but it has not finished evolving and probably never will. Keep in mind that some of the material you come across is so outdated, it will frustrate you more than it helps. If you walked into a library with
nothing but old dogeared and torn books, you would probably turn around and leave, but on the Internet an old eBook can look as fresh as a brand new one if you haven't seen it before.
Build a circle of friends on the interactive websites to ask questions and share all your new discoveries. Dig a little deeper with tools like Google and YouTube before you embrace anything you find online. Soon you'll be one of those supplying the answers.
Thanks for reading,
Warren Contreras
(503)919-3822 Pacific Time
Skype: oldbuddy70
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